REPORT Meeting demand for Affordable Nutrition

Almost two in three consumers have noticed price rises when shopping over the past year. With a rising cost-of-living in many major markets, 69% of consumers say that they are actively trying to save money when buying food and beverages. Despite this, health remains the number one consideration for food shopping ahead of affordability, so balancing price and nutritional benefit is now more vital than ever.  

This Trends Insider report examines issues around Innova’s number two trend for 2023: Affordable Nutrition. It assesses the challenges around providing good nutritional content against the backdrop of economic pressures, along with the importance of targeting everyday essentials and prioritizing health and hunger. It also looks at the potential to cut costs through upcycling and waste reduction, and the significant role that technology is expected to play in keeping future food supplies affordable and accessible. 

Drawing on the latest global consumer survey data, this report joins the dots to show how current production methods, advances in tech and consumer demands can combine to inform future innovation. Discover how major players are navigating the current economic reality, the macro consumer concerns driving purchase choices, and what opportunities for successful growth exist.  

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